
School Song


Let us raise our voice in chorus,

Singing praise to our loved School,

Where Our Lady watches over us,

Pleased that we accept her rule.


Future harvests spread before us;

Hence our urge of deepest yearning.

On our work our minds we focus,

As we grow in grace and learning.


We will make our own the spirit, Of this school we love and cherish.

Peace and joy we here inherit, Learning thus to be unselfish.


Let us raise aloft our banner, Emblem of a noble goal,

Testifying to the grandeur, Of a pure unsullied soul


O good mother of our Jesus, Be our guide to strong endeavour!

"Help of Christians" is your title, Hence our trust in your good favour.


When perchance hard times beset us, We’ll confide all to Our Lady,

Heart to heart with mind recalling, Clearly the ideals she sets us.
